TEDxGrand Rapids
TEDxGrand Rapids
TED is a platform for ideas worth spreading. Started in 1984 as a conference where technology, entertainment and design converged, TED now shares ideas from a broad spectrum of disciplines — science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx, which is a program of local, self‐organized events that bring people together to share a TED‐like experience.
Our event is TEDxGrandRapids, where x= locally organized, was founded in 2010, and hosts more than 750 people at the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre for a full day of connection and big ideas. The annual event features live speakers and TED Talk videos that spark deep discussion and connection among the attendees. The speakers, who come to Grand Rapids from around the globe, share 18-minute talks on their best, world‐changing ideas, through the lens our of annual theme.
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