Innovate: Your City
A brief look at trends shaping the way we will live and how cities must adapt to be successful.
Speaker Bio: Carol Coletta is president of Coletta & Company, a consulting firm leading the start-up of ArtPlace, a new initiative to spark a creative placemaking movement across America. For the past six years, she was president and CEO of CEOs for Cities.
In addition, she served as executive director of the Mayors’ Institute on City Design, a partnership of the National Endowment for the Arts, U.S. Conference of Mayors and American Architectural Foundation. For 10 years, she was the host and producer of the nationally syndicated public radio show Smart City.
Carol was a Knight Fellow in Community Building for 2003 at the University of Miami School of Architecture. In 2010, she was named Honorary Senior Fellow of the Design Futures Council. In 2008 she was named one of the world’s 50 most important urban experts by a leading European think tank and as one of the top 50 urban thinkers of all time by readers of
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