Why do I like TED Talks – Part 1 How To Tie Your Shoes
Why do I like TED Talks? Because I have an incredibly curious mind.
It took me a long time to get over the idea of being wrong. I think that is something that is ingrained in us as human beings. We like to be right and we are made to believe that being wrong is undesirable.
One of the most enlightening things I have ever learned is to accept the idea that finding out that I was wrong was not necessarily a bad thing but in fact, an opportunity to learn something new.
I am not limiting this conversation to prolific realizations or highly technical discussions outside of the realm of comprehension by most people, I literally learned that I was tying my shoes wrong…. at the age of 28 years old. A simple 3 minute TED talk from Terry Moore made a permanent impact on my life on what is essentially a daily habit.
I am not saying that I was consistently tripping over myself, but I never would have guessed that I would be learning something so trivial at such a stage in my life.
Check out the TED video I am referring too and let me know your thoughts. Stay tuned for Part 2 of Why I Like TED Talks!
About The Author:
My name is Travis Avery. I work on the marketing team in the outdoor camping and hiking industry for a company call Sawyer Products. Outside of work, I love outdoor adventures, going to concerts and camping music festivals, and classic cars and trucks.